Saturday, January 26, 2013

No Fear

Fear.  We all let it creep in sometimes.  While working with one of my clients this past weekend, fear joined the conversation.  My client is just beginning to formulate the idea for her business.  As part of my analysis working with someone starting a business, I asked her to describe any current challenges.  Her answer was “My Fear.”

Fear, when it shows up, acts as immobilizer or all together can crumble a good idea.  I have feared many things in my life (scary movies still a little) but every challenging moment has usually taught me a lesson once I faced it.  

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot. 
Eleanor Roosevelt

Once we began our discussion around this fear she has for starting a business, the confidence in her abilities and passion for what she is creating came through.  She mentioned that she has always felt she will never fail at anything in her life that she really applies herself to.  Believing in yourself is what will conquer any fear.  Although you may have missteps on your journey, your confidence in yourself and passions will keep you moving forward on your path.

Overcoming fear will only empower you to keep assembling your empire.   

Didn’t we all used to own a t-shirt that said “No Fear”… what happened to that brand anyway?

1 comment:

  1. It is fear that holds people back. You have captured it very well and Tara, you are moving ahead because of having "No Fear!" Keep on moving forward. <3 -IMO
